The startups where you can be paid to sell your data don’t succeed much. Statistically speaking, the users who flock to these startups are usually the lower rung of demographics an advertiser would be interested in.
Technology, books, travel, and linguistics
The startups where you can be paid to sell your data don’t succeed much. Statistically speaking, the users who flock to these startups are usually the lower rung of demographics an advertiser would be interested in.
60 milliseconds is when we notice something isn’t immediate. Any user interaction, that involves sending data over the network or doing heavy computation on it, usually takes way longer than 60 milliseconds. So, we end with a progress bar. There […]
Deploying side-projects can be expensive, it can cost ~120$ a year to run a VM. In this blogpost I will describe a cheaper way…
A basic web server Docker containers are small OS images in themselves that one can deploy and run without worrying about dependencies or interoperability. All the dependencies are packed in the same container file. And the docker runtime takes care […]
Update: As of April 2020, I have switched over to GitHub Actions. Travis CI has become buggy and flaky over time and I got tired of trying to keep the builds green. My GitHub action scripts can be seen here. […]
Earlier, the Software world was rigidly divided between closed and open-source software. Microsoft Windows is closed-source, GNU/Linux is open-source. Microsoft Office and Lotus Notes are closed-source, LibreOffice is open-source. Turbo C++ is closed-source, and GCC is open-source. But now, a […]
Don’t forget while you might live and breathe your startup, your early adopters have probably signed up to try several such services and unless you remind them what your product is about, they might as well delete the email and move on.
When the code runs on your servers, you have much more control over the “context” in which it runs. On the mobile devices, the device OS and the user control the context. This difference leads to some subtle implications. One significant […]
While iPhone is recognized as a global name while erstwhile Nexus and now, Pixel has almost no branding outside of the Android fanboys.