Mac OS: App Translocation and Android Studio updates failure
How Apple’s app translocation breaks Android Studio updates
Technology, books, travel, and linguistics
How Apple’s app translocation breaks Android Studio updates
All languages have certain semantics for dealing with error cases. C deals with them by setting error codes. Java deals with them by throwing exceptions. JavaScript deals with them by throwing exceptions as well but unlike Java, it does have […]
The core idea behind resumable upload is straightforward if you are uploading a big file, then you are going to encounter users in the network conditions where they cannot upload the file in a single network session. The client-side code, […]
Some video streaming websites like YouTube provides an option for speeding up/slowing down videos; some don’t. The trick is simple, find out the Video object via document.querySelector("video") and then set its playbackRate property to the desired value document.querySelector("video").playbackRate = 2.0; […]
This is a long post. It covers several decisions like API version, distribution beyond play store, UI & network performance, and minimizing RAM, disk, and battery usage.
Android development requires tons of disconnected approaches for development and testing. Consider some scenarios To test runtime permission – Go to Settings -> Applications -> Application info of the app you are looking for and disable that permission. To test a […]
It is impressive to see the amount of similarity which exists in Swift, Kotlin and Go, the three new languages for iOS, Android, and server-development respectively. Consider a simple, Hello World program. Swift func printHello() { // Type automatically inferred […]
When the code runs on your servers, you have much more control over the “context” in which it runs. On the mobile devices, the device OS and the user control the context. This difference leads to some subtle implications. One significant […]
Highlights All android support library code is moving to the androidx namespace. No more or android. support.v7 namespaces. Android app bundle to split the app into downloadable modules Navigation library to set up navigation between different activities/fragments. Use WorkMananger […]
Occasionally, my mac applications end up in a corrupt state where they won’t open. I recently encountered this with Deluge. The first step to diagnose is to open Terminal and open them in the terminal via $ open -a deluge […]