Technology, books, travel, and linguistics


Stanford CS251: Lecture 6

Lecture 6: Bitcoin Miner interactions and Game Theory Game Theory: P x S -> R x P P: Players S: Strategies R: Rewards Examples For the prisoner’s dilemma, tit-for-tat with some positive randomization is the best strategy. Trench soldiers in […]


Stanford CS251: Lecture 5

Lecture 5: Bitcoin mining How to mine Bitcoin Download and run Bitcoin-core to run full Bitcoin node Listen for a new transaction, assemble a pre-block Solve the puzzle (~270 attempts) Broadcast the block Profit The network runs on port 8333. Non-responding […]


Stanford CS251: Lecture 4

Lecture 4: Blockchains 80 bytes block consists of 32 bytes previous block hash, 32 bytes transactions Merkle tree hash, timestamp, bits, nonce, etc. Each block is <= 1MB to minimize the propagation times. Therefore, large transactions require more service fee […]


Stanford CS251: Lecture 3

Lecture 3: Bitcoin overview There are three Bitcoin protocols Consensus Protocol – decides what the ledger is Transaction Protocol – assigns meaning to the ledger Network Protocol – the P2P protocol which decides what new should be added to the […]


Stanford CS251: Lecture 2

Lecture 2: Creating a digital currency Desirable properties of a good digital ledger No deletion Temporal ordering Global consensus Semantic correctness Live – writable, no DOS, no censorship Attempts to create a digital currency in the increasing order of sophistication. […]


Stanford CS251: Lecture 1

Lecture 1: Introduction Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency with distributed trust. The blockchain is a public append-only ledger. The append-only property is sufficient for having a currency. Hash functions: H: M -> T where |M| >> |T| that is space of […]