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When aggregation works and when it doesn’t

All consumer internet products are either about consumption, production or both. A blog site is primarily about consumption. A photo transforming app is primarily about production. Social networks are consumption heavy. Good Messaging apps are symmetric. And a grievance collection product like BBB is production heavy.

Building aggregation on top of similar products is a well-known strategy.  The hard realization to note is that it can succeed only in very specific scenarios. Look at all the successful aggregation products, travel booking sites, news aggregators, RSS readers, discount coupon aggregators. As opposed to that, attempts to write an email aggregator, a social media aggregator etc. have not been as successful. And that’s the underlying theme, aggregator works well for consumption only interfaces where the product is sourced from many sources (more the better) and  is standardized in the eyes of the consumer. They have limited success almost everywhere else. And this just doesn’t apply to software products. Microsoft tried and failed to have their own hardware stores since their offerings were similar and a subset of BestBuy whereas Apple succeeded in the same strategy despite the naysayers.

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