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Tallinn (Estonia) in two days

I started from trip on an evening ferry from Helsinki, Finland.
Tallinn, like Budapest, is a charming Eastern European castle town.

Day 1

Starting with a walking tour, Tales of Reval is amazing.

The “deer” represents the deer fall myth of Tallinn

After the Danish Christian king established his control over this region, he invited German traders to set up trading outposts.
The original name of the city, “Reval” comes from German Reh-fall, or a deer that fell off the cliff during the hunt.

Do climb to the top of Town Hall Tower for 6€, it is a nice climb and the views are gorgeous. However, feel free to skip this for Hellemann Tower.

View from Town Hall Tower

The old town is gorgeous to roam around. I would highly recommend staying in the old town.

St Catherine’s passage
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Day 2

Start your day with a tour of 15th-century Bastion Tunnels. These tunnels were used for supplying fortifications. They were used during World War II as bunkers. The 12€ ticket for this covers Hellemann Tower as well. One can easily spend hours here.

Bastion Tunnels
Hellemann Tower


Next head to the KGB museum tour at Viru Hotel for 14€. Viru Hotel, built during the Soviet era, was set up for foreign guests and was used by the KGB to spy on foreign visitors. The tour takes you to the top floor which the KGB used for spying on the visitors using various spying devices. The tour wasn’t great. The artifacts, however, were awesome.

Viru Hotel



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